Friday, May 24, 2013

If I could Change Anything.

If I could anything about this year, it would be that I would change who I had dated. Hah seriously, he was the worst person ever to date. I don't even know why I did it now, and it really was the worst time ever. He never wanted to do anything but sit in his car, or he would bail on me, or ignore me a lot. So glad I dumped him. Hah even though all my friends said he would dump me first, well they were totally wrong.(: Another thing I would have done differently would be not going to Prom with my friends. Because they all wanted me to be there with them, to share memories with them, but instead I had chosen not to. And I didn't even get to go to IHop that night either! But I know next year when I go to Prom, there will be loads of memories and I am going all out on it. Hah.(:

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